Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Friends, Romans, countrymen-lend me your ears!

A quote from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar".
It means LISTEN!

Today we are going to do an example of the second-longer part of the Listening test.

More to listen to- a lot of information but you will get to listen twice.

Afterwards I want you to finish off the 
"Welcome to Wales" reading exercise.

Time over?
We have one example from the reading section-
a traditional reading comprehension (text and questions) left. 
It is called:
"Young and Free"

We can start it today and finish it on Friday after the "Lord of the Flies" seminar...

Next week we will begin with the writing part of the exam. This is especially important as this year, for the first time, you have to use a computer to write your text......

All of the materials we have used to practise the National test is freely available on the internet.

Here is the LINK.

See you on Friday! Don't forget to read "Chapter 9". This is where the tragedies in the book start to appear :-(

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