Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Last lesson of 2018

  • To complete the division of chapters for "Lord of the Flies"
  • Do a review quiz from the fall (autumn) of 2018
  • Discuss learning English and do a self-asssessment
  • Write a short story based on the document
"It was getting close to Christmas at Excel"

Welcome to the last lesson in English of 2018.

We will start off by completing the assignment of chapters for "Lord of the Flies" (Those who were absent last time)

We will start off with a quiz review. Because of the preparations for the Ireland trip and the follow-up, we haven't done so many quizzes.

However, the quizzes are a good way of improving your general knowledge. We will use the lollipop stick method!

Learning English
I want you to have a look at the following chart about learning English
You will get a paper copy to keep and reflect over.

Please fill in the chart with a cross (X) marking your level in the different skills. Write some comments at the bottom about the areas you need to improve.
REMEMBER  Writing includes spelling

Talk with Mike/story writing
I want you to bring along your self-assessment papers and talk to me one by one.

During this time you will write a short Christmas story on the hand-out.
Here are some true (and not-so-true) stories to inspire you!

All that remains is to wish you a great Christmas!

Friday, 7 December 2018

Last chance café

At Disneyland in Paris there is a place called:

When I worked in Tanzania there was a little shack called "The Last Chance Hotel". After that there was a couple of hundred kilometres of bush.

Today is your "Last Chance Café" to get the work done for the first chapter of "Lord of the Flies"...

I will send round a list for chapters 2- 12

The rest for today I will explain when I get to the lesson.

I may be late today because of car problems.

If so get working.. Thanks for doing such nice pictures on the whiteboard!!!

Great picture of Mumin Ida...

So now the list has gone around.
Seminar leaders for Lord of the Flies

Chapter 2          Eskil
Chapter 3 .        Elsa
Chapter 4          Filippa
Chapter 5          Viktor
Chapter 6          Oskar
Chapter 7          Amanda
Chapter 8          Fanny
Chapter 9          Liam
Chapter 10        Linnea
Chapter 11        Alma
Chapter 12        Ida

The seminars will start DIRECTLY after Christmas.

The seminar leader will:

  • Have written answers to the questions
  • Will give 25 words from his/her chapter
  • Will ask questions to the rest of the class about their chapter.
The questions will come on the blog before Christmas

Some new chapters to listen to


Male voice

br />br />br />
Female voice


Female voice

Male Voice

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Study technique and motivation

  • To look at some tips as to how to learn the language
  • To see why reading novels is important
  • How to study literature effectively
  • Work on your assignment for "Lord of the Flies"

You have now had some lessons when you have been working on your own.

Today we are going to look at the most important ways to learn English (or another foreign language).

There are thousands of webpages to help you.

Here is a typical one.

As part of the English course you are expected to read books in English:

Lyssna och läsa – reception

  • Talad engelska och texter från olika medier.
  • Talad engelska med viss regional och social färgning.
  • Muntliga och skriftliga instruktioner och beskrivningar.
  • Olika former av samtal, dialoger, intervjuer och muntliga framställningar.
  • Skönlitteratur och annan fiktion även i talad, dramatiserad och filmatiserad form.
  • Sånger och dikter.
Why read books?
Here is an excellent answer

When you read a book, use all the resources you can. 
-Video (we can see the beginning of the black and white film today)
-Vocabulary lists (you already have)

and if all else fails:-
A translated version in Swedish (Flugornas Herre)

I have extended the deadline to the end of this week for your first assignment. After that NO EXCUSES!

Almost there!

I've put out a song from Michael Jackson which says a lot:- Here are the lyrics:- No matter how hard The task may seem Don't g...