Wednesday, 26 September 2018

All off to Dublin in the green

Now it is only 2 and a half weeks left before we leave for Ireland.  Today we start our lesson with a look at the updates for the Irish trip since last week.

I will give you a  document about what we are going to do on our day out (Wednesday 17th October)

Later today I will contact the school and find out how the preparations are going for us. 

I will remind the Head teacher about your contacts  etc.

After a short break we will listen to song and do some work on it

Here is the text and the exercises (you can have it on paper as well)

Here is a Youtube clip with the actual song

Remember that all the work we do is to build up your English.

By this Friday I should receive your THIRD wordlist. All of you should have done two lists.
Only half the class is there!!

The rest of the time today is to work with your words.

This Friday we will do  a level test which Ms. Walsh has recommended and you will have time to complete the Bruce Springsteen exercise and your wordlist as well as the exercises from Happy 9.

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